Neea Rusch

I am a computer science doctoral student at Augusta University, in Augusta Georgia, in the United States. My advisor is Dr. Clément Aubert. You can find my CV here.



I work with Clément Aubert, Thomas Seiller and Thomas Rubiano on the "Static Analyses of Program Flows: Types and Certificates for Complexity" (StATyCC) project. The project aims at providing new static analysis tools based on theoretical results from implicit computational complexity.

I am interested in program analysis, implicit computational complexity, and formal verification using theorem provers. I am working on combining these ideas in my dissertation research.

For defense schedule, see: dissertation defense (tentative).


Clément Aubert, Thomas Rubiano, Neea Rusch, and Thomas Seiller
Clément Aubert, Thomas Rubiano, Neea Rusch, and Thomas Seiller

Research Talks & Presentations

, Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS).
, Theoretical Computer Science weekly seminar at Aalto University.
, International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA).
, SCOT Seminar on Semantic and Formal Approaches to Complexity.
, International Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL).
, International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI).
, International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES).
, The 37th Annual Graduate Research Day at Augusta University.
, IRISA Rennes and LIPN seminars.

List of talks →


Artifact Evaluation Committee

Extended review committee




I have taught at Augusta University many programming courses.

Guest lecture on introduction to artifact evaluation.


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