Neea Rusch

Dissertation Defense

Information about my dissertation defense.

Preliminary Date & Time

Week of July 7—11, 2025.


General Information

Required Forms

Tentative Timeline

Compiled from/based on the various documents under general information.

Date Description
February, 2025 Complete and submit "Graduation Application Form"
Spring 2025 Schedule Defense
• With committee members, reader(s)
• Through the Dean of The Graduate School's office
May 5, 2025 Submit dissertation draft to Major Advisor
May 13, 2025 Enroll in some class for summer semester
May/June, 2025 Major Advisor approval of draft
June 2025 Room reservation
June 2, 2025 Submit dissertation draft to the Advisory Committee
June 23, 2025 Submit "Faculty Agreement for Final Oral Exam Form"
June 23, 2025 Submit "Dissertation Approval Form"
June 23, 2025 Submit electronic copy of the Defense Announcement
June 23, 2025 Distribute defense announcement to faculty and students
July 7-11, 2025 Oral Defense
July 14, 2025 Tasks and forms 1 week after defense
• Submit ETD Submission for Publication Approval Form
• Complete Graduate Questionnaire
• Complete and submit Survey of Earned Doctorates online
• Schedule exit interview with The Graduate School
July 23, 2025 Submit all final documents and forms
• Electronic version of final corrected dissertation
• Submit dissertation to ProQuest